Wednesday, 30 September 2015

5 Methods for Keeping Birds Out of Your Garden

Many people would welcome birds into their garden but these same people would soon become tired of them if they started eating their fruits and leaving droppings. If you have a garden that contains a lot of consumables then birds can soon become a nuisance. 

To help keep your garden free of unwanted birds, below are 5 great tips to follow – 

1. Use Decoys

Scarring birds away can be a very effective means of keeping your garden free of them. Of course you can’t always be there to scare them away yourself and they’ll soon regroup even if you do. A great solution to this is to use a decoy artificial animal that birds are naturally scared of. This come in different shapes and sizes but when used properly can be a very effective way to keep your garden free of unwanted birds.

2. Use Netting

Netting is used by bird control specialists for a very good reason – it works! Placing netting over your plants will prevent birds from being able to get to them. How you go about positioning the netting will depend on how your plants are laid out and the size of your garden. There are some excellent guides online that show how to set up netting in your garden to keep birds away.

3. Use Wire

Wire is equally as effective at keeping birds away and is easier to set up than netting. To set up wire in your garden simply put posts around your garden and then stretch the wire between them so it’s placed above the plants that you want to protect.

4. Build a Barrier

For smaller plants or ones that are still growing, it’s possible to create your own makeshift barriers to keep birds away from them. Something as simple as a disposable cup with the bottom cut out can be enough to protect your plants from birds. As your plants grow then you can easily switch to netting.

Use High-Tech Solutions

The solutions mentioned above are quite low-tech but there are electronic devices available on the market that can be very effective at keeping birds away. Distress call signal systems are designed to digitally mimic the distress calls that birds send to each other to warn of danger.

Another high-tech means of dealing with unwanted birds are ultrasonic devices such as screeching owls. These are designed to emit a screech that’s frightening to birds and will almost certainly scare them off.

Although birds can sometimes be a nuisance, they can also be very beneficial to gardeners. Annoying pests such as snails, slugs and spiders can cause a lot of damage to your plants. Having birds around will help deal with this problem in an effortless way.

The trick is to attract the right species of birds to your garden whilst keeping the problem ones away. Putting up feeders that only attract certain species of birds is an excellent way to do this.

Always be sure that you never use any forceful means of getting rid of birds from your garden as it could land you in a lot of trouble.

About the Author:

David has a keen interest in bird control and associated with Total bird control. His articles cover topics such as how to keep birds out of your garden.

Monday, 28 September 2015

8 Ideas to Design a Bird Friendly Garden

When it comes to keeping your garden looking good there are certain pests you want to keep away. These include snails, slug and spiders. Whilst you can get pesticides to deal with these insects, a much better way to deal with them is to make your garden as bird-friendly as possible.

Birds not only help to get rid of unwanted insects that can do harm to your plants but they also help to give you garden a more appealing and organic look. With this in mind, below are 8 great ideas to make your garden attractive to birds.

Re-create Natural Plant Growth
If you observe natural habitats where birds are commonly found then you’ll learn a lot about how to create a bird-friendly garden. The way that plant life is arranged in nature is beneficial to birds in a number of ways. Large trees of course give them somewhere to perch and nest, whilst the shrubs underneath provide them with a source of food. The mud, twigs and leaf litter give them the materials to build their nests with.

You should aim to mimic this sort of plant hierarchy in your garden if you want to make it attractive to birds. 

Select Plants that Provide Nutrition Year Round
When you want to attract birds to your garden, you need to ensure that they have access to nutrition year round. This means selecting plants that will support the different types of birds that visit your garden at different times of the year. 

Plant Conifers
Conifers provide shelter for birds in harsh weather conditions, therefore you should have at least one clump of conifers in your garden.

Group Trees by Species
Grouping trees by species will help to increase fertility and fruit yields. It will also make your garden more attractive to birds when they can clearly see the different types of fruit that are available.

Avoid Non-Native Plants
It might be tempting to introduce exotic plants into your garden and although they might look striking, they’re usually not good for birds. They can easily take over the other flora in your garden and crowd out native plants that are valuable to birds. 

Provide a Source of Water
Although birds get a lot of their water from food, they’ll still seek out water sources for drinking and to bathe in. You can purchase bird baths to place in your garden to make it more attractive to birds. Just be sure to clean them regularly and also ensure that the water isn’t too deep.

Don’t Make Your Lawn Too Big
A lawn is often seen as being the classic centrepiece of any garden. However the truth is that lawns provide little value to birds and can actually become harmful when you have to start using pesticides to control pests in your garden. You should therefore consider limiting the size of your lawn, if you even have one at all. 

Place Nest Boxes
Placing nest boxes is a great way to diversify the species of bird that you attract to your garden. They mimic the natural cavities found in trees that can be scarce in nature. 

About the Author:
 David has a keen interest in birds and wildlife. He is also associated with Total bird control. His articles cover topics such as how to make your garden bird-friendly.

Monday, 7 September 2015

5 Proven Methods Of Bird Control

There are certain species of birds that are very common, such as pigeons and seagulls. Because these birds are so widespread, they often choose to perch and nest on other peoples’ property, particularly in built up areas with tall buildings.

When birds group on your building, they can cause a lot of problems. The sticks they use to build their nests can easily clog up drainpipes and gutters. Also their droppings are not only unsightly but also spread disease when you come into contact with them. This being the case, you want to get rid of any birds that are on your building as quickly as possible.

Below Are 5 Effective Means To Do This.

1. Wire & Post

Wire & post is a very popular solution for keeping birds away from a property. Posts are drilled into the fabrication of the building and a wire is then stretched across them. This prevents birds from being able to land or perch there. Whilst wire & post is effective, it cannot be used in all settings since drilling is required.

2. Netting

Netting is the most versatile bird control solution available. It works in the same way as wire & post but doesn’t require drilling. Netting can be placed almost anywhere, including under bridges and on scaffolding. This makes it ideal for building projects and hard to reach areas.

3. Spikes

Spikes are another option for keeping birds off your property. They are fairly easy to install and can be placed in rows for maximum coverage. When spikes are placed on a building, it will stop any birds from grouping and nesting there. Spikes can be a little unsightly however, so you may not be suitable depending on the type of property that you have.

4. The Scarecrow Method

There are many props that you can buy to try and scare birds away. Things like rubber snakes and glass owls can be placed where the birds are grouping in an effort to deter them. It’s a safe and clean method of bird control but not always effective, although it is worth trying.

5. Distress Call Systems

Distress call systems mimic the natural sound that birds make to warn each other of danger. The effectiveness of these systems varies but with a high quality system they can be very effective at keeping birds away from your property. They’re best used for flocking birds in search of a winter roost.

What About Shooting Or Poisoning?

If you have a lot of birds on your property then you might be tempted to deal with them forcefully however this is not a good idea. Killing or harming any wild species of bird is illegal in the UK. Therefore if you’re caught shooting or poisoning birds that are on your property you could find yourself in a lot of trouble.

Getting one of the bird control solutions mentioned above installed shouldn’t be too costly and will ensure that birds don’t see your building as somewhere they want to stay.

About The Author:

David has a keen interest in Bird control and also associated with Total Bird Control. His articles cover topics such as how to keep your property free of birds.