Thursday, 9 July 2015

Getting Rid of Unwanted Birds

When birds start grouping and nesting on your property, it can be a very annoying problem to deal with. Typically, they’ll perch high up on the building so it’s no possible to shoo them away. Once a group of birds has decided to make a spot their home, they can be very stubborn and won’t go without a fight.

Why are birds a problem?

If you’ve never dealt with birds gathering on your property before then you might wonder what the big deal is. After all, it’s not like they’re dangerous and likely to attack people. Well, the first problem with birds is that they can very easily spread disease through their droppings. They can also cause a great deal of problems blocking up drainpipes and gutters with the sticks they use to build their nests. Because of these reasons, it’s better to deal with any unwanted birds very swiftly.

Can I deal with the problem myself?

Whilst some people try to deal with the situation in a forceful manner, this is never recommended. Because all wild species of bird are protected in the UK, you could easily find yourself in a lot of trouble if you were to kill or harm any of the birds perching on your building.

Due to this, it’s a much better idea to hire a professional pest control company like total bird control who can deal with the problem for you. Pest control companies have experience dealing with all types of pest problems, including birds, rodent infestations and insects. This experience means they will know how to get rid of any birds that are currently grouping on your building and prevent them from appearing again in the future.

Common bird control solutions

Below are some of the most common solutions that are used to get rid of unwanted birds.

#1. Bird netting  
Netting is a very common solution for dealing with unwanted birds. It can be used on almost any type of property and it will prevent birds from being able perch, group and nest where it’s placed. Netting is a very low maintenance solution and comes in a range of colours to match the décor of your building.
#2. Bird spikes  
Spikes are another very effective means of getting rid of birds from your property. They can be placed in rows to provide maximum coverage, which makes them very useful for buildings that have curved edges, where birds might otherwise be able to perch.

#3. Wire & post
Wire & post is a good alternative to netting or spikes and can be placed anywhere that the posts can be drilled into the fabrication of the building. This is a very subtle and discreet solution so is excellent for use when you don’t want to disturb the look of your building.

When you hire a bird control company, they’ll use one or more of these solutions to make your property completely bird-proof. This will give you full peace of mind that the problem will not occur again in the future.